26 research outputs found

    ‘I Got To Answer the Way I Wanted To’: Intellectual Disabilities and Participation in Technology Design Activities

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    User involvement in technology design processes can have positive implications for the designed service, but less is known about how such participation affects people with intellectual disabilities. We explored how 13 individuals with intellectual disabilities experienced participation in the design of a transport support application. The study is based on qualitative interviews, photovoice interviews, participant observations, and Smileyometer ratings. A thematic analysis generated the following themes: a sense of pride and ownership, an experience of socialization, and a sense of empowerment. The findings suggest that participation in design activities is a primarily positive experience that develops the participants’ skills. However, experiences such as boredom may occur. The variability within the experiences of the participants show that it is crucial to be aware of individuality, preferences, and personal interests when designing with people with intellectual disabilities.publishedVersio

    Caring by Telecare? A Hermeneutic Study of Experiences among Older Adults and Their Family Caregivers

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    Author's accepted manuscript.This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Karlsen, C., Moe, C. E., Haraldstad, K. & Thygesen, E. (2018). Caring by telecare? A hermeneutic study of experiences among older adults and their family caregivers. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(7-8), 1300-1313., which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.14744. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.acceptedVersio

    Challenges of Mainstreaming Telecare. Exploring Actualization of Telecare Affordances in Home Care Services

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    Application of telecare has received increased attention as a means to address the future care needs in home care services. However, the uptake of telecare has been slow and fewer solutions than expected have been implemented. Healthcare employees’ perspectives on telecare and organizational issues have not received appropriate attention in earlier research. There is a need to understand the challenges related to telecare services. Through the lens of affordance theory, the present study aims to explore municipal employees` experiences of TCS. The study contributes to affordance theory by developing an understanding of the collective actualization process. Focus group interviews were conducted with 26 employees involved in telecare services in eight municipalities in Southern Norway. Findings reveal that successful actualization of the seven perceived telecare affordances required involvement of several actors, new ways of working and close cooperation within the municipalities across units and disciplines. Furthermore, the actualization process was strongly influenced by contextual factors. The most prominent factors included anchoring and cooperation, competence and knowledge, and routines and follow-up. Findings indicate that specific focus on these factors is needed in order to succeed with mainstreaming of telecare in home care services

    Intellectual Disability, Digital Technologies, And Independent Transportation – A Scoping Review

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    Transportation is an essential aspect of everyday life. For people with intellectual disabilities transportation is one the largest barriers to community participation and a cause of inequality. However, digital technologies can reduce barriers for transportation use for people with intellectual disabilities and increase community mobility. The aim of this scoping review was to identify and map existing research on digital technology support for independent transport for people with intellectual disabilities and to identify knowledge gaps relevant for further research. The authors conducted a scoping review of articles presenting digital technologies designed to assist in outdoor navigation for people with intellectual disabilities. The search yielded 3195 items, of which 45 were reviewed and 13 included in this study. The results show that while a variation of design elements was utilized, digital technologies can effectively support individuals with intellectual disability in transport. Further research should focus on multiple contexts and types of transportation, different support needs during independent travel, real-world settings, participatory approaches, and the role of user training to enhance the adoption of digital technologies

    Bedre kvalitet gjennom Ăžkt kompetanse? : undervisningssykehjemmet i Agder

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    Tittel: Bedre kvalitet gjennom Þkt kompetanse? Problemstilling: Bidrar satsing pÄ kompetanseutvikling til bedre kvalitet pÄ helse- og omsorgstjenestene i sykehjem? FormÄl: FormÄlet er Ä vurdere betydningen av kompetanseutvikling i regi av Undervisningssykehjemsprosjektet i Agder, samt Ä gjennomfÞre en evaluering og drÞfting av primÊrt en videreutdanning i eldreomsorg for hjelpepleiere og omsorgsarbeidere. Bakgrunn: Undervisningssykehjemmet i Agder ble etablert januar 2001. Den bÊrende ideen i Undervisningssykehjemmet er at kompetanseheving er et viktig bidrag til bedret kvalitet pÄ helse-, omsorg-, og sosialtjenestene. Men hva er god kvalitet? Hva slags kompetanse mÄ vÄre medarbeidere ha? Ved Undervisningssykehjemmet i Agder er det iverksatt bÄde formelle videreutdanninger, fagutviklingstiltak (FoU-tiltak) samt generelle organisasjonsutviklingstiltak. Metode: Det er gjennomfÞrt en evaluering av en videreutdanning ved Ä bruke spÞrreskjemaer om egenvurdert kompetanse og spÞrsmÄl om holdninger til eldre (pre- og posttest). I tillegg er det foretatt et intervju med ledere av helse- og omsorgstjenestene i de samarbeidende kommuner i Vest- Agder. Resultater: Deltagerne i videreutdanningen gir uttrykk for at de har fÄtt bedret sin kompetanse. Lederne opplever at personalet som har fullfÞrt videreutdanningen har fÄtt en styrket personlig kompetanse. Deltagerne har fÄtt stÞrre selvtillit bÄde i forhold til egen virksomhet, men ogsÄ i forhold til Ä formidle det de har lÊrt til medarbeidere. PÄ denne mÄten har gjennomfÞringen av videreutdanningen hatt en spredningseffekt i arbeidsmiljÞet. Konklusjon: Evalueringen viser at kompetanseheving gjennom et tradisjonelt undervisningsopplegg har positive ringvirkninger bÄde i forhold til den enkelte deltager samt for organisasjonen som sÄdan. Dersom vi skal kunne gi noen anbefalinger, har vi i en kompetansemodell presisert 3 omrÄder for satsing: For det fÞrste mÄ det satses pÄ en kontinuerlig faglig oppdatering i forhold til de konkrete oppgavene helsearbeiderne til enhver tid mÞter. Videre mÄ det legges til rette for en kontinuerlig refleksjon over hvordan omsorgen ytes. Til slutt mÄ ansatte ha nÞdvendig kompetanse til Ä leve med en etisk usikkerhet knyttet til de dilemmaer som de alltid mÄ forholde seg til i mÞte med pasienten. Dette skjer primÊrt gjennom etisk refleksjon. Samtidig er det viktig Ä presisere at kompetanseheving bestÄr av mer enn tradisjonell undervisning. Derfor er det viktig Ä satse pÄ flere tiltak enn den tradisjonelle undervisningen. Eksempler pÄ slike tiltak kan vÊre fagutviklingsprosjekter, temasamlinger, samtalegrupper, samt lederutvikling

    Important challenges for coordination and inter-municipal cooperation in health care services: a Delphi study

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    Published version of an article in the journal: BMC Health Services Research. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1472-6963-13-451 Open AccessBackground: Demographical changes have stimulated a coordination reform in the Norwegian health care sector, creating new working practices and extending coordination within and between primary and hospital care, increasing the need for inter-municipal cooperation (IMC). This study aimed to identify challenges to coordination and IMC in the Norwegian health care sector as a basis for further theorizing and managerial advice in this growing area of research and practice. Methods. A Delphi study of consensus development was used. Experts in coordination and IMC in health care services were selected by the healthcare manager or the councillor in their respective municipalities. In the first round, an expert panel received open-ended questions addressing possible challenges, and their answers were categorized and consolidated as the basis for further validation in the second round. The expert panel members were then asked to point out important statements in the third round, before the most important statements ranked by a majority of the members were rated again in the fourth round, including the option to explain the ratings. The same procedure was used in round five, with the exception that the expert panel members could view the consolidated results of their previous rankings as the basis for a new and final rating. The statements reaching consensus in round five were abstracted and themed. Results: Nineteen experts consented to participate. Nine experts (47%) completed all of the five rounds. Eight statements concerning coordination reached consensus, resulting in four themes covering these challenges: different culture, uneven balance of power, lack of the possibility to communicate electronically, and demanding tasks in relation to resources. Three statements regarding challenges to IMC reached consensus, resulting in following themes: coopetition, complex leadership, and resistance to change. Conclusions: This study identified several important challenges for coordination and it supports previous research. IMC in health care services deals with challenges other than coordination, and these must be addressed specifically. Our study contributes to extended knowledge of theoretical and practical implications in the field of coordination and IMC in health care sector

    Using ICT training as an arena for intergenerational learning experience. A case study

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    Published version of a paper from the Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics; August 22; 2014; Grimstad; NorwayIn Norway; the responsibility of citizens’ e-inclusion services relies on municipalities through the administration of se-lected electronic health information and services; these insti-tutions face the challenge of educating to use these health systems. In the case of ICT-illiterate people; the questions about what is the necessary ICT knowledge for basic use and how this content should be pedagogically delivered arose. This paper presents a pioneer intergenerational model for ICT education; in which young generations teach the basics of ICT use to elderly people without ICT experience. A qualitative evaluation of the piloted model in a Norwegian municipality was carried out using semi-structured interviews. The findings highlighted the fundamental role of the young people as experienced ICT users and teachers but also as a decisive factor for course participation for many elderly students. The outcome of the course was noticeable in both directions: most of the elderly attendees acquired basic ICT skills at the same time that young teachers had the opportunity to develop qualitative social values such as goal achievement and responsibility